Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Laid Back Kind of Day

I only had one thing that I wanted to do today and I failed. Before we left MO, I decided that I wanted to have acrylic nails again; however, my nail tech had left since I quit going when I worked so I tried a new one. Bad idea. My nails really needed to be filled/fixed. A couple had broken and several were loose. After calling a couple of places where the person on the other end of the phone could not be understood.....anyway at least I couldn't understand them, I decided to just go looking. I did call the office and asked the lady working there but she really didn't know of a good place. So this morning we left around 10:00 to find somewhere. Of course Nolan was making fun of me the whole time saying I should just take them off. Stopped at the first place and low and behold it was one of the ones I had called and couldn't understand. I knew what kind of product I used and so I asked if that's what they used and she said no. So, I told Nolan to just go to Wal Mart, I would get something to take them off with. When we went in I saw that they had a Nail Salon in the Wal Mart store so I checked them out and tried to explain what I needed. Oh, and yes, this was the other place I called where they couldn't talk so I could understand. I agreed to try what they had by taking off what I had and putting on new. The whole time I was there the people were talking in a foreign language. I hate that. I think it's rude and inappropriate for a place of business. After she got my old ones off, she pulled out the tips and I said wait.....not what I wanted. I paid her $10 and left with no nails!!!!! Very disappointing but guess I won't have to worry about that any more.

We drove back to the trailer and then a little later decided to go find some Mexican Food. Ate then back to the trailer for a lazy rest of the day. Tomorrow should be a fun day....we're going to the Alamo and the Riverwalk.

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