Monday, January 12, 2009

Choke Canyon Lake and The King Ranch

We had decided yesterday that today we were going for a Choke Canyon Lake and The King Ranch. What a beautiful day! After about a hour or two we got to Choke Canyon Lake. A different kind of lake than what we expected. Not very pretty and not a lot of businesses or activity. A very big lake though....maybe we just didn't get to the right spot. Stopped at a DQ for lunch and ice cream and we were off to The King Ranch at Kingsville. Found the visitor's center but did not take the tour because we plan to do that later in January or early February with Nolan's sisters. It was 3:00 p.m. before we left there and we found out that the museum was in the town and closed at 4:00. We tried to make it there but ran into some road construction so we just went into the King Ranch Saddle Shop to look around. First thing Nolan picked up was made in China so we didn't shop around very much. Got home before dark and walked the had warmed up and was a nice afternoon!

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