Monday, March 16, 2009

Jimmie Rodgers and Great Weather

All morning I wasn't doing much....watching TV and knitting. Around noon, I finally took my shower and almost immediately Nolan asked if I wanted to go with him to wash the truck. At first, I wasn't going then I changed my mind. First on the agenda was to see if we could find Jimmie Rodgers house that he built when he lived here in Kerrville. Nolan had been searching for information about the house almost from the day we arrived here in Kerrville. He finally called a radio station and talked to a guy who knew exactly where it was. I took a couple of pictures:

Then I talked Nolan into letting me go to the Craft store while he went into a western store.....he was done a lot sooner than I was! I hurried up and we were off searching for a car wash. The one Nolan was thinking about was closed so we drove and drove looking for one. We saw a couple but things were so tight getting in and out that Nolan passed them up. Finally, Nolan found one and I got to sit inside and wait until he was done. Back at the trailer Nolan quickly put the hamburgers on the grill and we ate. After dinner we were sitting outside, the weather was sunny and warm; Kathy and Chuck stopped by and talked for a while. That's about it for a great day in Kerrville!

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