Wednesday, 28 Oct: Today I wanted to find some travel/tourist information on Texas so we took off for the Visitor’s Center in Fredericksburg, TX. Here is a picture of the main street in Fredericksburg….it’s such a great little town with so much to see and do.

Found the information I wanted and then we went to one of the many coffee shops and had a cup of coffee! This is really a good life!
Thursday, 29 Oct: Today we drove over to Kerrville just to look around and see where we had enjoyed staying so much last March. Everything still looked about the same……great place to visit and stay. Nolan agreed to let me go to JC Penneys to shop a little after we ate some chicken for lunch. Of course I found a few things….some day I’m gonna have to find a few things to take out of the trailer!!!!!
The forecast was for rain tomorrow so we decided we would stay an extra day.
Friday, 30 Oct: Well, sure don’t know what happened to the rain but didn’t look rainy at all so out the door we went to Luckenbach, TX, again. Hopefully, not so crowded today. What a beautiful day to visit Luckenbach. We kind of just roamed around, ate a sandwich, and talked to a few people. And, Nolan carved our initials in a table again. Last year when we were here he carved his initials in a table but we couldn’t find the table so now there are two tables with his mark on them at Luckenbach, TX.

There is almost always somebody playing music there and today was not exception. He was really pretty good. He’s sitting among these trees…..kind of hard to see.
Also made a stop at the Circle E Candle store…..what a great store….I picked up a couple of great smelling candles and I can’t wait to burn them!
A couple of days ago one of the best, so far, RV’s pulled into the park…..I just had to get a picture.
If I had left it up to Nolan to pick out our RV, I’m sure we would have ended up with something similar!!!!
Saturday, 31 Oct: Travel day so up we got and started down the road by 9:30. Nice drive and we arrived at the Lazy Longhorn RV Park early afternoon. Got back into our site and set up in the bright sun shine. Sure is nice weather! Needed to stock up on stuff from Wal Mart so off we went…..what a mistake! Besides being very busy because it was the weekend….Nolan was in one of those hurry up and get out of there kind of shopping trips….I think I forgot half of what I wanted but still managed to spend over $100 and I’ll have to go back!
Sunday, 1 Nov: Mosquitoes are everywhere! Can’t sit outside without getting eaten up. Been lots of rain here and our site is shady and on the other side of the fence is an old junk car lot. Can’t see it but I’m sure there’s lot of nasty water around that those little pests love! Talked Nolan into going to Lowe’s to find some kind of defense against them. Brought home a bug zapper with mosquito attractant, mosquito fogger, and citronella candles. All the while Nolan was laughing at me and telling me nothing would work!
Monday, 2 Nov: We’re close to the Aransas Wildlife Refuge that we visited last year. We took off on another beautiful sunny Texas day for the refuge. Hopefully since it’s rained there will be more wildlife out than there was last year. Well, looks like the refuge didn’t get enough rain…..even the pond that held a small amount of water in it last year that had hogs and alligators was completely dry….nothing but mosquitoes around!!!! Drove on down to the tower and spent several minutes there looking out at the marshes for Whooping Cranes…..don’t think we saw any but we did see stuff….I could have spent hours up there looking around. Decided since it was so dry there was no sense in driving around the loop but we did stop to see if we could see the alligators up across from the visitor’s center. Saw one with all kinds of green slim on his head….looked nasty! Back at the RV, we decided to try shopping at HEB again, looked like they might have some pretty good sales from the add in the paper. Well, it was a much better shopping experience and we actually got out of there with spending around $50 and lots of good stuff for Nolan to cook!!!! Made my day!
Tuesday, 3 Nov: Today we decided to take a drive to the Goliad, TX, area….several historical sites and memorials there.

This was our first stop….The Fannin Battleground State Park….a very nice park with lots of history.
The we were off to Goliad to find something to eat and whatever else was there. First we drove down to the square and back around to the main road. Great town square, you know one of those old time ones….lots of older buildings with lots more history. Decided to eat a hamburger before driving on out to the Goliad State Park and Historic Site. On to the park….
What a beautiful park….they have an RV park with full hookups also! We paid the admission fee, all the Texas State Parks have an entrance fee. Went through the Mission.

They have done a really good job restoring this mission and maintaining it!
We drove around the park for a while and again, I can’t say enough about how pretty it was…..if it was for the daily entrance fee that you have to pay on top of the RV site fee, we would have stayed there!
We still were looking for the memorial where they had buried all the soldiers from the Fannin Battle that were captured and then executed. So on down the road a little bit and there we found it.
Nice memorial for those who lost their lives in this terrible way. But the most interesting this was that we found my brother’s name on the memorial….of course it wasn’t him but kind of neat that someone else shared his name.
Well, it was time to head back to Victoria after a fun day of exploring!
Wednesday, 4 Nov: While we were in Fredericksburg, we had ordered parts for the washing machine, another reason for waiting until after Friday to leave. The parts were supposed to arrive by Friday….they didn’t but the repairman said he would mail them to us here in Victoria. We got them today so Nolan started working on it and had it all fixed by mid afternoon….he such a great handyman!!! For those of you would followed last year you will remember that we couldn’t stand going into the HEB stores….they were always so crowded and we could never find anything….just wanted everyone to know that we had another good experience at HEB today….maybe it is a good store after all!
Thursday, 5 Nov: I wanted to find a beach that we could take the dogs to so we left around 10:00 on another exploration trip. We first went to Seadrift…..small coastal town but no beach. Then to Magnolia Beach… might think there would be a beach here but no, just another small coastal town. We did stop at a local restaurant and had some great Mexican food. Then it was on to Port Lavaca. What a nice town….a little bigger than I had thought it would be but again, no sandy beach. We did see lots of pretty water and lots of interesting scenery.
Friday, 6 Nov: Today I decided we needed to move to another site on the other side of the park or maybe in the middle section so I went to ask if it would be OK at the office. I explained that I was interested in moving to a site that might not have so many mosquitoes and they kind of laughed at me which is what Nolan had been doing. They told me to try spraying mouth wash on everything…..they said that would work! So off we went to find mouth wash and a spray bottle. As soon as I got back I started spraying everything…..the grass in the dog pen, our chairs and all around….before I got through, I got bite 5 times!!!!
Saturday, 7 Nov: I had been planning for a year to wax my shower. I had read and been told that it would help keep it cleaner and be easier to clean. Well first that means you have to clean it really good…..this whole process took me all day! Of course I didn’t work at it constantly but I did work at it pretty hard! Turned out pretty good and I think it will help.
Sunday, 8 Nov: Not much happened today but I sure can tell that I used my arms a lot yesterday….as Nolan says I don’t do enough physical exercise!
Monday, 9 Nov: I forgot to refill my prescription at Wal Mart the other day and I took the last one this morning so our excitement today was to get that done and then back by 1:00 so I could go to the Craft Time at the Clubhouse. NOT!!!!! When I dropped it off at 11:45 the lady said it would be an hour. When I went back at something after 1:00 it was still not ready….OMG, we waited for over an hour and a half for them to refill my prescription….good thing Nolan was not having one of his bad shopping days! Needless to say I missed the Crafts but got home and Nolan grilled something for dinner and we just relaxed the rest of the day.
Tuesday,10 Nov: During one of our outings to shop we drove by the Riverside City Park here in Victoria. WOW! What a huge, beautiful park. I talked Nolan into going back today with the dogs. I thought they could run loose because there was so much room. First, we stopped at Lowes to buy a pole for our flag so we could put it out tomorrow, then we bought some lunch, and then we spent a couple of hours at the park with the dogs running loose……we’ll be doing this again!
Wednesday, 11 Nov: What a great surprise today around 11:00 or so we had a knock on the door…..that doesn’t happen in a park where you don’t know anyone. Nolan went to the door and then went out. He didn’t come back in so I got up to look and see what he was doing and he was talking to Chuck, one of our RV friends from the RV Dreams rally in Branson and who spent the month with us last winter in Kerrville. I went out and gave him a hug and then asked about Kathy…..she was getting their trailer set up after travelling….they had just arrived here in Victoria….I rushed over to get another hug and to say hello! Great to see friends again. I decided to join the park ladies for craft time today for the first time and I sure was glad I did….it’s always fun meeting new people and talking about how they got started, besides learning about what crafts they’re are doing. Nolan grilled steaks for dinner and we took it easy the rest of the day!