Wow, I haven’t posted for a very long time. I guess I’ve just been trying to postpone talking about this day of the year, December 15. I never know whether to say something or just remember it silently but somehow I always feel like she’s being cheated in some way if I don’t say anything. So, this year I will just post some of the things that were said on Facebook about her:

Carla Stenger: 9 years ago today my sister was killed in a car accident. If you knew her, would you help me remember her by sharing your favorite story of her? I love you and miss you Amanda.
Natalin Fletcher: i can remember going to your house in the mornings waiting on the bus and playing the piano
Tera Steinbrink: Hanging out at Paula's house doing GA stuff. Good times!
Debi Dieman: I remember her getting into my Home Interior stuff when I'd come to do Shows for your Mom. She thought your Mom should 'have it all'. She is such a pretty little thing; a tad bit hard-headed, but, with a precious heart. And she loves you very much. I speak in the present tense 'cause she's alive in our hearts. Love you, Carla. Love you three girls so!
Patti Bates Niebruegge: One of my first memories of Amanda is babysitting you and her when Amanda and Brandi were just a few weeks old (there's only a month between them) They were both hungry at the same time. So there I was sitting on the couch holding a baby in each arm (cause they both wanted to be held) and holding a bottle for each baby. I knew right then I was glad they weren't twins!!!
Cortney Lahmann: Man, I only went to Plato for three years in high school, but it seemed me, you and Amanda really hit it off when I got there. Lots of fun stories, but I remember on the way home from selling ads for Publications we stopped at Wood's to get a snack and we ran across the road to take a pic of her like she was Vanna White with the burnt up riding lawn mower (wonder how it got that way haha). She didn't think I would put it in the year book, but, I did =) Was too funny ;-)....My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family today. LOVE YOU!
Patti Bates Niebruegge: One of my last memories is Amanda coming to a basketball game in Conway, Cain was less than a month old and he was slobbering, like babies do, and she reached over and wiped the slobber off and then wiped it on her jeans!!! and she called him Candy Cain.
Jessica Prock Waddell: I remember all of the softball, volleyball and basketball trips. When we were younger and my mom was our softball coach and the entire team would go to the came in the back of our truck (not safe now looking back at it, but so much fun) :) I was so sad to here of the her passing and I really do miss her. She was such a great person and great friend!
Tisha Hildebrand Abell: How about the time she got bit by that mouse at Webers. She was too soft hearted to let anyone kill it and when she tried to pet it it bit her!
Elizabeth Dawn Dye: Although Amanda was younger than me, I know what its like to have a younger sister you adore. I remember she always has a smile on her face. This is an awesome way to remember her!!!
Joni Garrett: well i didnt know amanda well cause she was younger but i do remember when i would see her she was always happy and smiling.She has a great laugh and was always very nice to me.i just remember that she was a great person and Carla she will be missed dearly and i will always have a place in my heart and prayers for her.
Kate York: Hey Carla. I remember when I was working at the store in eveningshade you and Amanda would come over to buy something to eat. I remember thinking how cute the two of you were and what good sisters you were.
Shelly McClure Shuler: I think about Amanda every time I put on a pair of tube socks...... When we were all in junior high and playing basketball, Amanda would always make sure that her tube socks were pulled down perfectly around her ankles. I don't know why I think about that... but I always remember thinking how adorable she was and always wanted to look her best even on the court.
Marjorie Fulks Gracy: Carla I remember so much I couldn't write it all. My heart aches for her every day. I remember how she wanted everything to be perfect. I remember how she wanted to sit up and talk after every one was asleep. She would always ask me about Tony, now she knows more about him than I do
Chuck Willis: I can remember playing basketball with Amanda after school, and how competitive she was. She would not back down from anyone including me. She was an animal. She was also one of the most kind hearted people I ever knew. She would stay up and talk to me in the middle of the night when I felt like I was heart broken about some girl that had broken up with me. She could always make me laugh about anything. I think about her all the time. I can't wait to see her again.
Kelley Niebruegge: I remember lots of stuff. Here's a few things...riding baby calves at rock creek. Hysterically laughing in grandma's kitchen it was late(for us at the time)we had just got there, all five of us rode up with mom. We at the table eating all kinds of junk food and caring on like we did. Tired and delirious we got the giggles. Amanda had banana ... See Morestuck to the top of her mouth, it was hillarious, the sounds that she was making while trying to talk and laughing at the same time. And of course rolling backwards down Grandpa Leroy's drive-way in a jeep. At a 6th grade or JrHigh basket ball game she sprained her ankle. I'm sure it did hurt to walk but she did sweet talk my dad into carring her back to the bus. Those are some that I remeber most often.
Dalan Marie Stuart: I remember when we went to Wyoming for GA camp there, on the way home we stopped at Cheyenne Fronteir days and of course Amanda and I got lost after the rodeo, everyone thought we did it on purpose, but we actually didn't, we finally made it back to the car about an hour many great memories!!!!
Brandi Niebruegge Couch: Better late than never -- Manda was ornery! Always saying things that everyone else was thinking and didn't have enough nerve to say. Always so witty! There are so many things I remember: carving her name on my mom's headboard, trying to get the cat to eat by trying the cat food herself, waiting forever for her to get her hair/makeup/clothes just right in the locker room, watching movies like West Side Story or Dirty Dancing and then singing the songs, all 3 of us singing on the school bus as little girls and in high school, and so much more! I miss her terribly... Okay I have to stop now! :)
Teresa Irwin: I just now saw the post, but hey Carla you know me I am always late, but I never forget her and I thought of you guys on Tuesday, Where would I start I guess to say softball, softball, motel rooms, you two were like little nieces to us and we love you guys very much Amanda will always be in my heart. I will never forget the phone calls from her telling me she missed the bus and I would go take her to school, and the time Amanda, You, Anita and I were going to Anita and Bobs house from a game in Branson and we were singing savage gardens truely madly deeply at the top of our lungs, But I could go on, and on. Love you all very much
Grant Williams: Hey Carla, sorry its a little late but I've been on the road for the past few days. Good stuff, I don't have a certain memory. but I will say I was driving through Iraq on the 15th and was telling the guy I ride with all about her..I think he was sick of the stories...LOL!!! It's crazy...9 years later, driving in the middle of Iraq and she's on my mind..She had quite an impact on my life..she still does. Love ya Carla!! Oh, I guess my memory would be when you and Amanda going fishing with me and Taco down at the river...Or when you and Taco caught us..well...that's probably enough, your mom will probably read this!!! LOL!!! Those were good times and I wouldn't trade them for nothin!!
Beth Barnes Wells: I remember way back when we were in band together. We both played trumpet and if I remember correctly Amanda had braces and when she played it cut her lip so she had to put wax on her braces. I just remember her picking wax out of her braces forever. I can't believe we were both band geeks. We had fun though. She always had a smile. She'll always be remembered like that. It was good to see you this summer Carla. Take care.
Erin Clark: I remember driving with you to visit her at Baker. She was so sweet! I am so sorry for your loss:(
Jessica Hickman Nelson: i loved amanda so much. thank you for putting her pic on here so i can see her and smile.
Steve Morrison: I remember driving to Woods market and there was Amanda and her Dad standing around a lawn mower that she caught on fire. I guess she put gas in it and it spilled out and the starter switch was out and when she ared it over it caught on fire. LOL
She was so special and I miss her so much!
15 December was also Tuesday and you know what that means at Big Fisherman Restaurant in Rockport…..Lunch for $2.25…..chicken fried steak was really good. Nolan saved the tails off his shrimp to feed all the cats that hang around outside the door….it was a gloomy, cloudy and windy day…..appropriate I guess….it’s been 9 long years.

Wednesday, 16 Dec: Very windy, cold and rainy day. I made some chili that was not so good and we just hung out at the RV.
Now for the Happy part of this post. Nolan and I were really wanting to see family for Christmas. So Friday, 18 Dec, we took off for Missouri!!!! Sun peaking out as we left Rockport (the first day all month that the sun was gonna shine) and made it to Carla’s by 9:00 p.m.

The next couple of days were spent shopping and helping Carla get ready for Christmas….we had a great time!!! Monday, 21 Dec, I had an appoint for a hair cut and as soon as I was done we left for my sister’s in Roby. Brandi and the kids came over as soon as we got there. Brandi did not tell them who they were going to Grandma’s to see and of course they kept asking questions on the way there. Finally, Cara said “Well, it better be Santa or Aunt Donna and Nolan!”
This is Miss Cara and Miss Brenna trying on hats that I was knitting.
The next couple of days were spend with more shopping and wrapping presents. Mom and Jim came to Patti’s on Thursday, 24 Dec, and it was time for the fun to start. Nolan and I went to his niece’s for Christmas with his bunch and then later at Patti’s her kids were all still there and we got to see and play with all the kids!
Patti’s Christmas Tree before the presents were unwrapped!
Getting ready to eat!

Unwrapping presents!


Great Grandma and all the great grandkids!
Christmas day was just spent quietly at my sisters with her and my Mom. Another Christmas Dinner was planned for Saturday and Carla and Chago was there
The next two days were just spent hanging out in Roby.
Tuesday, 29 Dec, was Christmas with my Dad and Grandma. Nolan and I went to pick Grandma up from the nursing home where she stays and got to Daddy’s before everyone else. Brandi and Chris had to work so they were a little late…..we still had a great meal and managed to play one game of Uno before we left to take Grandma back to Mountain Grove.
Wednesday, 30 Dec, was the day to return to warmer weather. We left at 7:30 a.m. and didn’t get back to Rockport until 1:30 a.m. 31 Dec. What a long day!!!! The last couple of hours was spent driving in very thick fog! Dogs and I were very glad to be back home!
Next couple of days were spent just relaxing and getting caught up on the laundry. Weather still not like what we had last year! Saturday, 2 Jan, we decided to move to Seven Oaks RV Resort in Mission, TX. Gregg and Lynette McHenry, RV Dreamer Friends, were at this park and said they were enjoying it. It was one of the parks that we drove through last year trying to find one that wouldn’t be so crowed and had a little more grass for the dogs. Sunny, warm day for travel. I didn’t make reservations and when we arrived the office was closed but the Camp Hosts parked us in a site that they knew was empty for the weekend and hopefully Monday when we went to the office to register, they would let us stay and not have to move. The office staff was very nice and said we could stay put….so, we’re here for the month of January.
Nolan’s sister and brother in law are here again this year and called Sunday to see if we wanted to meet somewhere for lunch. So, after shopping at….you know where…..we called and had them meet us at MacAllisters Deli. Great to see them again and I’m sure we will be doing other fun things with them while we’re here.
Tuesday, 5 Jan, was the day that Mark and Dortha Hall, RV Dreamer Friends, were to arrive in the valley. Lynette call and invited us over for Taco Soup. I made a blueberry cheese cake and we went over around 5:00. It’s so much fun to get together with others who live the same life we do and share stories!
Wednesday, 6 Jan, Lynette called and invited us to go to the flea market but I was sick, just a cold and sore throat. I didn’t go anywhere but Nolan went to Academy Sports while I just slept in the recliner all day.
Thursday, 7 Jan, still sick and I slept until noon. Early afternoon, we went to Cracker Barrel for coffee. I ordered an Apple Dumplin……wow, wish I had taken a picture….it was hugh and very, very good! Made me feel much better!
Saturday, 9 Jan, we all, us, Jerry and Leona, Gregg and Lynette, and Mark and Dortha all headed out for South Padre Island Market Days. First we agreed to meet up Pirates Landing Restaurant, Port Isabel, for lunch. Wonderful seafood! Pictures borrowed from Lynette and Dortha….thanks!

![[100_2249 (2)[2].jpg]](
Then we were off for some shopping at the Craft Show. It was a great show…..lots of stuff to buy. Leona and I finally made one purchase…..we neither one had ever tried the Tervis Tumberlers so we bought a package of 4 and split them. I’m excited to try them to see if they are as wonderful as everyone around the booth said! We managed to spend an hour or more there then we were off to find Leona a sweatshirt for golfing….the weather here is not much better than in Rockport…..cloudy, windy, and rainy! After our sweatshirt purchases we headed back to our winter homes…..a fun and great day in the valley!
Rest of the time since Sunday has just been spent in the RV… actually is not that cold but it’s cloudy and rainy. Guess we’re just spoiled by last year’s weather!