3 April, Saturday: Walked the dogs and the yard was very, very wet, glad we got the RV in place, around 1:30 we went over to Brandi’s for Brenna’s birthday, good to see Carla again and of course Brenna was the center of attention

Carla and Cara acting silly!

Brenna finally got to open presents

And blow out the candles after we sang Happy Birthday.
She had to try on the outfit Nolan and I bought her…..she was really cute!
The the birthday girl took some pictures with my camera…..she took one of me

One of Carla and Cara
Glad to be home in time for her birthday!
4 April, Sunday: Easter, went to Walts for biscuits and gravy with Herb and Linda, talked to Linda about working again….doesn’t look so good for this year, back to RV around 10:00 to make banana pudding for Lunch and the big Easter egg hunt with the kids, Mom and Jim came and the kids had a great time hunting the eggs, around 3:00 we went down to the Tan Trough for Easter dinner with Nolan’s family….road was really muddy
5 April, Monday: Up and around with nothing to do……waited all day for phone and internet to be reconnected, cooked sausage, potatoes, onions, corn, and green beans for dinner, phone not connected at 8:00 p.m. the phone company finally told me it would be tomorrow
6 April, Tuesday: My Grandma Gay’s 90th birthday! Waited until 1:30 then called about the phone, the lady on the phone turned it on and said it would be ready in a couple of minutes, waited 30 minutes and it still didn’t work, called back and they said I should check the box outside and see if it worked, it did so I started looking for the problem, replaced the cord from the box to the RV and everything worked, Nolan mowed Patti’s grass, talked to Brenda, my Canadian RV friend, on the phone around 4:00, went to Mountain Grove for Grandma’s birthday, Patti, Nolan, and I met Daddy, Lester, and Vinita at the nursing center, Grandma was really happy to see us
7 April, Wednesday: Dropped Lucy off at the groomer’s at 12:00, went to Lowe’s, O’Riley’s, Wal Mart and lunch at Wendy’s, coffee at Starbuck’s waiting until she was done, picked her up at 3:00
8 April, Thursday: Cold and cloudy until afternoon and it was sunny, Went to Walts to visit with Linda around 10:30, bought some strawberries from Linda, Nolan got a pizza from Walts for dinner
9 April, Friday: Sunny, worked on my taxes all day, they are ready to be sent, finally took a shower and put on something besides my PJs, went to Cain’s BB game around 7:30
10 April, Saturday: Warm and Sunny, met at Brandi’s around 10:00 for a trip to Springfield with Brandi, Patti, and Brenna to see if we could find Brandi a dress for the wedding, first stop was Cheddars for lunch, then we met Carla at JC Penney’s found a dress right off and then started looking for shoes, found the best red shoes at Dillards, went to see the location where they will get married and discussed details for a while, Carla tried on her dress for everyone and we looked at her shoes, made it back home around 9:30, very tired
11 April, Sunday: Lazy, warm, sunny day, didn’t leave the RV, dreading the interview tomorrow.
12 April, Monday: Warm, sunny day, got up way too early to get ready for the interview for the General Clerk at Fort Leonard Wood, left trailer around 7:45, interview at 8:30, guess it went well, back home by 9:30, decided to go to Licking to check on mulch for Patti and get some bread, ate lunch at drive in, can get mulch at Success for nothing if we load ourselves, back to the RV by 1:30, watched Nolan pull out Patti’s rose bushes at the end of her house
13 April, Tuesday: Warm, sunny day, sent email to FLW CPAC for opinion on job, watched TV and played on the computer all morning, spent most of day emailing back and forth trying to decide if it would be OK to work for WESTECH, rode to Plato with Patti and Kelley to watch Cara play basketball, she made 4 points, played very good for only being in Kindergarten
14 April, Wednesday, Warm, sunny day, woke up at 4:30 to be at work at Walts by 5:00 a.m., way too early!, worked until around 9:00, drove to Houston to pick up my prescription, took a nap, ice cream at Walts then to bed early so I could get up early again
15 April, Thursday, Warm, mostly sunny day, up again at 4:30 to be at Walts at 5:00, left Walts around 7:15 to go to the new employee briefing/pick up packet for employment with WESTECH, start to work on Monday, 19 April, found a nail place in St Roberts to get my nails redone…..just so so, may find another place, lunch at Walts, finished my taxes and mailed them with the checks, Cain played basketball at 6:00 and won, bed early
16 April, Friday: Warm, sunny day, up again at 4:30 for work at Walts, helped out a little longer today in order for Linda to get all the groceries put up, went to Houston to spend a little time with Carla talking about the wedding, back by 5:00 p.m. for a rest before going to Cara’s basketball game at 8:00 p.m., Cara missed the ball and it hit her in the face and she got a bloody nose so she didn’t finish the game
17 April, Saturday: Lazed around until around 10:00, started getting ready to go to the musical Wizard of Oz in Springfield at the Juanita K. Hammons Performing Arts Center, great play and Cara had a great time, we picked up Carla and the beauty salon and were almost late, went to eat at McAlisters and then tried to get to Camping World before it closed, didn’t make it, stopped in Lebanon to buy shoes for Cara and a Wal Mart stop, got home around 9:30….great day
18 April, Sunday: Lazy day, Nolan got a truck load of mulch for Patti, got stuff ready to work at Walts at 5:00 a.m. then on down to FLW to start my new job
19 April, Monday: Up and to Walts by 5:00 am to work until 6:45, off to Truman Ed for training with my new Employer, WESTECH, as a data collector, got settled in class and Karen M (my new boss) came in and asked me to go with her…..the only one out of 25, she took me to the office where I will be working as a data entry clerk instead of a data collector, really more to my liking but I was excited and nervous to learn something new…..what they have me doing is not new…..I can work with Access and enter data all day without much supervision, didn’t do anything but meet everyone until around 2:00 p.m. then I finally entered some data (soldier demographics), home by 5:00, I was tired from getting up so early but I needed to wash my new shirts….yes, this will be the first job I’ve ever had that had a uniform, in bed by 8:30
20 April, Tuesday: Didn’t get up so early, made it to work and everyone else was already there….will have to arrive a little bit earlier tomorrow, entered data and corrected other clerks errors all morning, then ate lunch in the office, nothing to do all afternoon, Karen let me leave at 3:30, great people to work with, nothing but relaxing after I got home, talked to Carla and her eye surgery went OK, she was really tired and sore
21 April, Wednesday: Up early and on my way to work….entered data for a little while, then just watched everyone else, nothing happened after I got home
22 April, Thursday: Work again, same as yesterday mainly except the main guy (Paul) who gives me work got really upset cause I found an error in the numbering system and was trying to fix it and I guess he didn’t think I could……one of the other clerks does the numbering and handing out PIN numbers…..she got some confused, we were working through it, she was confirming and getting it straightened out and he found out and went ballistic….wasn’t that big of a deal, went straight from work to Walts to work and closed, straight home to bed….I was tired, I missed Cain’s basketball game
23 April, Friday: Guess Paul stayed late and fixed the mix-up with the help of some of the others……I really don’t know what happened, when I came in the records who didn’t have PINs had them and no one explained what happened, I think I should have kept my mouth shut, not much going on in the morning, we had a lunch for everyone, then I went to a class with Paul to hand out questionnaires with two other clerks, then I entered them all, went home early and got to Cara’s basketball game in time, she played at 5 and 8 and Cain played at 7, Mom game down for the games, the kids really played good
24 April, Saturday: Got up around 9:00 and went to Patti’s to talk to Mom for a while, Patti cooked hamburgers and potatoes for lunch, Mom left around 1:30, I went to the RV and started washing clothes, not much happened the rest of the day
25 April, Sunday: Nolan borrowed a car from Leon for me to drive to work and it needed to be cleaned out and I needed to go to Wal Mart so a trip to Houston Wal Mart was in order, ate lunch at Hardees and back home to wash more clothes
26 April, Monday: Another day of doing very little at work, did get another Data Entry Clerk in the group today, Judy Harmon; I worked with her in DAC, just spent most of the day explaining what little I knew about what was going on
27 April, Tuesday: Another day of nothing, went to Cara’s basketball game and then home to bed
28 April, Wednesday: Another day of nothing, office plans to have lunch as a group on Friday again so I made brownies to take cause I will be working at Walts tomorrow night and won’t have time, bed early
29 April, Thursday: Another day of nothing at work, hurried home to work at Walt’s, home around 9:30, went straight to bed
30 April, Friday: Another day of nothing at work, hurried home to go to Cain’s basketball game, dinner at Roby cafe
1 May, Saturday: Nolan went to Springfield with me, first on the agenda was new nails and a pedicure with Carla and Chago, lunch at Old Chicago, Nolan joined us, then to the mall for a little shopping, found flip flops I was looking for and a new purse, next was our 3:00 pm appointment with the florists/rental place for the wedding, Chago and Angela were with us and I think we’ve found the right place, under budget and Carla liked working with Shannon, Nolan and I left and stopped at Marshfield Wal Mart for a few things, then on home, wow what a long day
2 May, Sunday: Today was all about getting the laundry caught up, Nolan BBQ’d pork tenderloin and baked some potatoes, finished the laundry around 8:30, caught up on all the computer reading and off to bed
3 May, Monday: Another day of nothing at work, created the space layout diagram for Carla’s wedding
4 May, Tuesday: Worked on a few projects today at work but still nothing much, called Mom to see if she felt like coming to Bennet Springs Park for Mother’s Day and it looks like we’ll be going to Stover for the day Sunday, Nolan went to baseball game at Plato and I did nothing but relax in the RV
5 May, Wednesday: Stayed a little busy today at work, worked on Wedding spreadsheet and sent Carla my revision, she was in panic mode again, left early to attend Chris’ Longaberger Branch meeting then stopped at Wal Mart for a few things, found out that I will be working all night Thursday and in the afternoon on Friday, called Walts to let them know I won’t be able to work there tomorrow night
6 May, Thursday: Rested all day for my night of work, left for work around 6:15 p.m., stayed until 9:00 a.m., long night, not much happened
7 May, Friday: Didn’t have to go to work in the afternoon, tried to sleep most of the day, went to Cain’s basketball game
8 May, Saturday: Nolan went to tractor pull in Cabool and I stayed home by myself all day, washed clothes and cleaned a little
9 May, Sunday: Up and on our way to Stover by 8:30 a.m., lunch at Mom’s then left for home around 3:00
10 May, Monday: Rainy all day, needed to get some propane and groceries so we made a quick trip to Houston and ate lunch at the Mexican restaurant there….not really very good this time, back to the RV to put everything away and get ready for work….yes, I will be working nights during the test phase of this job 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., boy was it a long night, still not much to do.
11 May, Tuesday: Got home around 9:00 a.m. and went directly to bed, slept until 4:30 only waking up once….I was surprised to be able to sleep so well during the day, back to work at 7:00 p.m. and actually worked some, more than any other day so far since starting the job.
12 May, Wednesday: Got home around 8:00 a.m. and again went directly to bed again, woke up a couple of times but was able to go back to sleep and finally out of bed around 4:30, do not work nights today so I played on the computer and watched TV while Nolan went to a high school baseball game
13 May, Thursday: Worked days today, then from 5 until 9:30 at Walts, nothing else today
14 May, Friday: Worked until 12:30 today, stopped at Walts on the way home, Nolan was there so we went to the cafe for lunch, back to the RV for the rest of the afternoon.
15 May, Saturday: Stopped in Raymondville to order flowers for memorial day on our way to Springfield to help Carla some more with the wedding, paid a deposit to the floral place, bought hair piece and piece for dress, bought brads for programs, ate at Steak and Shake and then home….long day
16 May, Sunday: Slept until the dogs got me up, made brownies to take to Leon and Paula’s for Jacklyn’s nursing school graduation celebration, home to the RV for the rest of the afternoon
17 May, Monday: Worked during the day today, nothing else much today
18 May, Tuesday: Dinner at cafe (hamburger steak) worked from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
19 May, Wednesday: Slept, all morning, worked from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
20 May, Thursday: Cara’s kindergarten graduation at 8:30 a.m.

Went to sleep for the rest of the morning, worked from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m
21 May, Friday: Slept, all morning, dinner at Cafe (catfish), worked from 7:00 p.m to 6:30 a.m. Sat
22 May, Saturday: Slept till 2 or so, went to Beaver Creek for dinner with Patti and Kelley, went to Patti’s to see the kids, they were staying all night with her
23 May, Sunday: Woke up with a very sore shoulder, laid around most of the day, went to Patti’s to see the kids who were staying all day with her because Brandi left TDY to VA and Chris was working, dinner was Spanish rice and chicken, very warm day
24 May, Monday: Day off, cleaned and washed clothes, ate dinner at Walts
25 May, Tuesday: 12 hour day at work today, just a little work and the rest was spent trying to look busy….I don’t do that well.
26 May, Wednesday: Another long day, not much to do
27 May, Thursday: Long day at work, conducted the final questionnaire and had to input the data before going home, went home around 6:00
28 May, Friday: Last day of work, didn’t have to wear those awful shirts, no work to do, got to leave around noon, went to get a pedicure and my nails redone, Nolan grilled steaks
29 May, Saturday: Went to Wal Mart around 1:30, ate a salad at Miller’s Grill, went to Brandi’s to take her a birthday card
30 May, Sunday: Got around and went to all the cemeteries, visited with Patti for a while and Nolan grilled pork chops
31 May, Monday:
1 Jun, Tuesday: Worked at Walts from 3 until 9, did some internet shopping for the wedding
2 Jun, Wednesday: Worked at Walts from 3 until 9
3 Jun, Thursday: Worked at Walts from 3 until 9
4 Jun, Friday: Worked at Walts from 3 until 10
5 Jun, Saturday: Picked up Cain, Cara, and Brenna at 5:00 and took them to the fish lake for dinner
6 Jun, Sunday: Cooked steak in mushroom soup in crock pot for dinner, Felicia and Jeff stopped by to see our trailer, Nolan mowed grass and put in new heating element in hot water heater….didn’t fix the problem
7 Jun, Monday: Trip to Lebanon to order new air conditioner, stopped at grocery store and lunch at Steak and Shake, got the mobile printer I ordered for the wedding and tried it out….pictures have streaks in them so I guess I’ll send it back, watched Cain play baseball at 7:00
8 Jun, Tuesday: Lazed around all day, ate salad for lunch at Walts, more internet shopping for the wedding
9 Jun, Wednesday:
10 Jun, Thursday: Went to work at Walts at 3:00
11 Jun, Friday: Went to work at Walts at 3:00
12 Jun, Saturday: Opened at Walts, went to Lebanon to pick up air conditioner, ate Mexican
13 Jun, Sunday: Opened at Walts, went to auction at Anna Marie’s with Mom and Patti, bought $110 worth of stuff and nothing for myself….it was really hot, Patti fixed dinner for everyone
14 Jun, Monday: Went to cemetery with Mom and ate lunch at Roby cafe, Watched Cain play baseball at 7:00
15 Jun, Tuesday: Went to see Grandma in Mountain Grove and went to Wal Mart, stopped by Doc and Linda’s to see Ginny and had to take Ginny to the emergency room to get her toe nail pulled off, she got it caught on a filing cabinet when she was trying to move it.
16 Jun, Wednesday: Worked at Walts from 9:00 til 12:00, Nolan fixed the electric hot water heater but the thermostat still needs to be replaced
17 Jun, Thursday: Went to work at Walts at 2:00 and closed, Nolan put in the new air conditioner
18 Jun, Friday: Mailed invitations to Carla’s wedding with wrong time on them…..guess we’ll have the wedding at 6 instead of 7:30 as we planned, went to St Roberts to have lunch with secretaries I used to work with but I was late leaving Walts so I just visited with them for a while, got my nails filled and came home.
19 Jun Saturday: Started storming at 3:45 in the morning, Nolan had to get up and put the awning in, never fails if he leaves it out the wind blows too strong in the middle of the night, Opened at Walts and worked until 2:00, Patti made home made ice cream for Father’s Day
20 Jun, Sunday: Worked at Walts until 3:00
21 Jun, Monday:
22 Jun, Tuesday:
23 Jun, Wednesday: Trip to Lebanon for thermostat for hot water heater, lunch at BBQ place at Bennet Springs, cancelled with Linda to go get a pedicure
24 Jun, Thursday: Work at 3:00 and closed
25 Jun, Friday: Went to work at 11:30 so Linda and Doc could fly to Utah, worked until 3:00, was too lazy to go to Cain’s game
26 Jun, Saturday: Opened and worked until 2:00, Patti had the kids so Brandi and Chris could have a party for Grant, we all loaded in the truck and went to the pay lake for dinner and then stopped at Walts for ice cream
27 Jun, Sunday: Opened and worked until 2:00, quick trip home and then to Patty Creek for a get together with Nolan’s family, sat in the creek to cool off, it was so hot.
28 Jun, Monday: Work at 10:00, red beans and rice for dinner, Brenna’s game at 6:00 and Cain’s at 7:00
29 Jun, Tuesday: Work at 10:00, was gonna go to Cara’s game but Patti thought it was at 7:00 and then at 6:30 she said she looked at the schedule wrong and in was really at 6:00 we missed it, Nolan grilled hamburgers for dinner
30 Jun, Wednesday: Work at 9:30 so I could be there when the food order needs to go in, worked until 3 and Nolan cooked ribs
1 Jul, Thursday: Work at 3:00 til close
2 Jul, Friday: Worked at 10:00, Mom was visiting at Patti’s and we all went to Cain’s ballgame at 7:00
3 Jul, Saturday: Opened at Walts, Patti had cook out for her kids birthday, kids played in the water, and kids shot off some fireworks
Oscar and Lucy had a lot of fun outside also!!!
Karen and Brenna sitting in the truck eating.

Brenna got in trouble and had to sit for a while….not fun!
Sparklers stuck in the tree….
Can’t decide what to do next!
4 Jul, Sunday: Opened at Walts, went to Travelling Vietnam Memorial Wall at Cabool, then to Wal Mart
5 Jul, Monday: Worked at Walts from 10:00 til 3:00, I sure do need some rest!