Thursday, July 8, 2010

6 – 7 July 2010

6 Jul, Tuesday:  Opening this week at Walts means getting up at 4:00 am…..not my kind of work!!!!  But, it’s only for a little while so I guess I’ll make it a couple of more days.  Decided to make a trip to Waynesville for some shopping and get my nails redone.  Once we got back to the RV it was nape time so I would be able to make it to the kids ballgames… at 6:00, one at 7:00 and one at 8:30.  First was Cara’s game….she was a little bored!!!

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So bored she decided to pick up hands full of dirt and rub on her pants to make it look like she played hard…..

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I missed her hit but here’s proof that she did hit the ball…..she’s ready to run all the way home….

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Next was Miss Brenna’s game……the coach was trying to help her by drawing a batter’s box in the dirt and she decided to draw her own…..

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It took a couple of tries but she finally made contact…..

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She was also pretty bored with playing the field!!!

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Next was Cain’s game but these storm clouds called the game off.

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Back at the RV it was bed time so I could get up early again.

7 Jul, Wednesday:  Up and at it by 4:00 am again!!!  Uneventful day of catching up on computer and doing some UHaul online classes so the store can start renting UHauls.  Nolan cooked dinner and off to bed early.

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