8 Jan, Saturday: Great lunch at Butter Churn, it’s a restaurant that only has a buffett and they have the best fried chicken. Happy Hour at Rod and Deb’s with Jim and Ellie. Kind of nice to have friends around!!!
9 Jan, Sunday: OMG, we woke up around 4:30 am to the worst thunderstorm with hail. It sounded terrible and we were so worried that something was getting broke by the hail. Well, it did….the vent cover in the bathroom got holes in it and the air conditioners were damaged some. The truck also received some damage. Rod and Deb’s car had one of the side windows busted out and lots of the RV’s in the park were damaged. As soon as I got up and around I called the insurance company and left a voice message. After all the excitment, Ellie stopped by to invite us over for happy hour but I didn’t feel the best so we didn’t go over.
10 Jan, Monday: Started to cool off a lot. The insurance company called back with claim number, then claim adjuster called and will send out someone to give us an estimate. Dinner at Rod and Deb’s……meatloaf, my favorite. I had bought some of those frozen cinnamin rolls so I got those out to take over for dessert. Boy are they good! Started to knit another hat.
11 Jan, Tuesday: Cold day so we had beans and ham for dinner.
12 Jan, Wednesday: Insurance adjuster came today and Nolan took care of showing him everything. Now to wait and see what they pay for. We were tired of staying in because of the col so Nolan took me to Michaels and Joann’s in Corpus Christi for more yarn and patterns. We almost always drive back across Mustang Island and then eat somewhere in Port Aransas. Today we had lunch at DQ.
13 Jan, Thursday: COLD AGAIN….but Nolan walked for an hour.
14 Jan, Friday: Deb sent me a text and asked if we wanted to meet them for lunch at Landry’s in Corpus Christi.
This was looking our the window at our table. It was a rainy day and cold.

I got my new soda making machine today and I love it…..