Saturday, 31 Jan: Leona invited us to their trailer in Adobe Wells Mobile Home Park in McAllen, TX, for a spagetti dinner and then we were going to go to the Citrus Festival Parade at dark. I think that has to be the longest parade that I've ever been to....we stayed for over an hour and they were not done yet!
Sunday, 1 Feb: On our way out of the park to visit the Museum of South Texas in Edinberg, I took a picture of our street at Alamo Palms RV Resort, Alamo, TX. Right at the back of our trailer is this orange tree....they are everywhere in the park and the oranges are really good.
Museum opens at 1:00 on Sundays and we arrived a couple of minutes early and the only vehicle in the parking lot. Went in and spent about an hour and half.....great museum!
Monday, 2 Feb: OK, today I finally got up enough nerve to go to the pool....spent 2 - 3 hours there.....very relaxing and I got some sun!!!
Tuesday, 3 Feb: Nolan suggested we go out to eat today so I said OK (not my idea). Again, we had trouble finding some place we wanted to eat. First, we tried Olive Garden but couldn't find a place to park so we gave up on that.....then on to some place else and got to Red Lobster. Good meal! Talked Nolan into stopping at Michaels so I could look at yarn and see if I could find another size set of knitting needles.....Nolan waited in the truck....big mistake! I spent too long in the store and Nolan called to say it was time for me to come out...NOW! I found lots of good stuff though.....
Wednesday, 4 Feb: We decided we would go out to the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge today and on the way I took these pictures of the Don Wes Flea Market that we went to early. Very fun flea market. Boy, were we glad we didn't have to pay to get into the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge (we used Nolan's Senior Pass to get in free). We had just missed the tram ride and the next one was not until 2 hours later so we decided we would walk one of the trails.....Nolan wanted to see the Rio Grande River. Our first mistake was not paying attention to the sign that said they had insect repellent for $3.95. The second mistake was not turning around and leaving after we had walked about 5 minutes. Mosquitos were every where....they just swarmed around me, especially my hair. Nolan finally got a palm leaf, walked behind me and swatted me the whole way.....about a mile! I had red welps all over my arms and legs. Needless to say we didn't see the wildlife!
I did stop for a couple of seconds to take this picture and the one below of the river!Thursday, 5 Feb: Had an appointment to get Lucy's hair cut today so we got up and had her to the salon by 8:30....she was scared to death but I left her. Talked Nolan into trying to find the Hobby Lobby, I still needed one more size needle and some point protectors. He agreed and we started down 10th Street. I knew it was on that street but I couldn't get my map on the iPhone to work, poor signal, so I didn't know what the address was......we drove and drove and about 1 block from where the store is we turned around to go the other way. Just about half way back up the street, my iPhone told me the address and it was just past where we had turned around. I told him to forget it but he said we were going to find it!!!! I'm glad we did but I'm not so sure Nolan was that happy. DeAnn, Nolan's niece was coming in today to visit her parents and we met them at Lone Star BBQ for Lunch....good BBQ and glad we got to spend some time with her. While we were visiting the salon called and said Lucy was ready to be picked up. Picked her up and she was completely worn out....she laid down on her bed and slept on the way home.
Friday, 6 Feb: Today we decided to drive with Jerry, Leona, and DeAnn to South Padre Island. It's about 80 miles from here so we left around 9:30. Drove down the island and then stopped at the convention center where they had a walkway. This picture was taken from was really windy. We stopped at several souvenior stores and then finally went to eat at Dirty Al's....excellent shrimp!
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