25 Dec, Saturday: Made 7 layer salad, blueberry cheese cake, corn casserole for Christmas dinner at the Club house at 2:00. We again didn’t stay very long, there were about 25-30 there…not a big group.
26 Dec, Sunday: Kind of cold……33 during the night. Kind of boring day so we went to see the movie Little Fockers at 2:30……it was pretty good!
27 Dec, Monday: Decided to try another place for breakfast. Went to Ken’s on the corner……yuck, neither one of us liked our meal. Then we stopped by Wal Mart for dog food and then Camper Clinic so Nolan could ask about a new tank for the water heater. They were way too expensive compared to what we found on line…..Nolan will check some other places. It seems the tank is leaking and the faucet at the kitchen sink leaks also…..when it rains, it poors! Nolan says with an RV there’s always something to fix…..another reason he’s not enjoying our adventure so much!
28 Dec, Tuesday: Lunch special at Big Fisherman……first time there has been a long line but we stood in line anyway. Decided to go to the movie True Grit because it was free popcorn night…..another line!!! Nolan doesn’t do lines but again he stood in line…..about half way to the ticket window, they announced that True Grit was sold out. So, we stopped at DQ for ice cream instead.
29 Dec, Wednesday: Finished another hat like the one last week, I really like that pattern!
30 Dec, Thursday: Finally decided that we would buy new carpet for the living room instead of putting down vinyl so we went to Lowes and ordered new carpet for living room…..I think I’ll like it. Stopped at the grocery store and on the way back I got a text message with this picture attached…….my new grandbaby although I sure can’t tell what’s what but Carla assured me it’s there somewhere!

31 Dec, Friday: Nolan wanted to eat lunch at Butter Churn for the catfish. I enjoyed the meatloaf, shrimp, and gumbo. Last night we decided that we didn’t order the right size for the carpet. So, another trip to Lowes to reorder carpet and cancel the first order.