FRIDAY: Today we had made plans to meet at Jerry and Leona's so that we could make the trip to King Ranch. We were supposed to be there at 8:00 am....that's really early for me, but I made it! We met Kenneth and Charlcie at the King Ranch around 10:45 am....tour didn't start til 12:00 but we had heard that we needed to get there early or we would not get on the tour and I think that was right cause the bus was full....I was the last to get on because I was on the phone and I had to sit in the very back between two other couples....I didn't even get to sit by Nolan. I was on the phone because my mother had called. She wasn't feeling good and didn't know what to do. I convinced her to call her doctor and the next hour was spent on the phone with my sister trying to arrange for her to get to Jefferson City with my Mom to see what was going on and with my Mom trying to figure out what she was going to do....thus the reason I was the last one on the bus. We took off on the tour which was a bus stopping and getting I was stuck between those two couples for the entire trip. We saw the main house, the horse training area, the research center, the fields, the cows, the horses, the village where all the workers live, their school, and the whole works.....very interesting!
SATURDAY: We left yesterday with no plan but that they would call us to see what we would do today. Neither of Nolan's sisters had seen our trailer yet so around 11:00 or so they called and said they were on their way over and we would decide what to do after they got here. Showed off our trailer and then we decided to go to the Don West Flea Market.....WOW, what a big flea market....Nolan and I will go back again before we leave Alamo. We then went to find a Luby's for dinner that we had seen on our shopping tour of a Mexican restaurant the other day. Finally found it and had a great meal. Said our goodbyes and went back to the trailer to let the dogs out. Fun Day!
SUNDAY: Well, it was time for a do nothing day and that's exactly what I did, nothing except sit in my recliner with the computer and my knitting. Later in the day I did manage to get on a couple of conference calls with my Longaberger National Sales Team Leader and sent out some Longaberger emails. Everyone I talked to at home today made fun of me cause I said it was cold here when they were having in the teens temperatures.....sorry!
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