Saturday, 3 January: Decided I needed some kind of carpet shampooer cause Lucy had thrown up 3 times on the carpet and it was red stuff. Had trouble getting it out without one! Went to Walmart....duh.....and the one here in Rockport was out of the one I wanted. So guess what, I got to go to the Walmart in Aransas Pass. Bought the Little Green Compact Deep Cleaner made by Bissell. It has a heater that makes the water hoter than comes out of the faucet. All that shopping at Walmart wore me out though so I didn't try it out!!!!
Sunday, 4 January: We got very energetic and got the stuff together to go to the car wash and clean the really needed it. We hadn't cleaned it since we before we left Missouri. Made it back to the trailer without it raining. For dinner we decided to go to Popeye's and guess what, it sprinkled on the way there on our clean truck!!!!
Tonight on the park calendar it said "Bingo". Well, stupid me just thought they would play bingo probably for money. Got there and they had specific "rules". I was supposed to bring 4 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 nickels.....I had a $20 bill.....had to borrow $1.60 from someone at my table. And, oh by the way they played with decks of cards not bingo cards. Same concept kind of but there were four people on a team that divided a deck of cards 4 ways and then the caller started calling off card numbers and if a card was called that you had you got to throw it in the middle and the first person to get rid of all their cards called Bingo! I didn't win!!!!
Monday, 5 January: Today was a day to get away from the trailer for a while. We took off for the ferry and Port Aransas and Corpus Christi via Mustang Island. Got to the ferry and while we were waiting to take off I took this picture of a pelican. Made it off the ferry and got on the right road. Nice drive across Mustang Island.....not as far as what I thought it would be. Drove through Corpus Christi and back to Rockport.
Before we left Rockport on our drive, we stopped at the Rockport Vet Clinic that the park manager had recommended to me and found out that they did not make appointments, it was just walk in. I was getting paranoid about the dogs getting heartworm (I had looked up heartworms on the internet and it said that 45% of heartworm cases came from the Gulf Coast area). Lucy had some bites and Oscar was scratching.....I just knew they were going to get heartworm!!!! After the drive I decided I still had time to take them in. Vet tested them and they were negative so I bought the preventive medicine and now I feel better!!!
Oh yeah, when we got back we made a trip to Walmart.....I forgot to get something of course!!!
Vowed to try not to go back to Walmart until next Monday.....think we can do it??
Tuesday, 6 January: Tuesday and Thursday is Craft Day at the Club House. So, I did nothing until it was time to go for that. Nolan went out and found a hair cut some where.....and we needed Bounce so he went somewhere and got that and a couple of other things to cook.....didn't ask where he went.....sure hope it wasn't Walmart! A lot of the ladies at the Club House were working on projects incorporating the swedish weaving in the project.......kind of like counted cross stitch only on bigger weaved fabric with yarn. Had never seen it before but looked like fun...I just stuck with my knitting surprise!
Wednesday, 7 January: Signed up to go to lunch with the ladies today. Supposed to meet at the club house at 11:00. There were 20 some going. We went to Charlotte Plummer's Restaurant, seafood. Very good!!!

I'll try to remember names (left to right).....of course, that's me, Loretta, Corrine, Maryls, and Maryanna.
Karen, June (has three Yorkies), don't know the next two ladies, and Sandy.
This is a closeup of the pier in the picture above.
Looks like a lot of fun and I bet a lot of jabbering at the luncheon. Reminds me of chat.
You sure took a lot of pictures of people you don't know. :)
Glad you are having fun but I miss you!!!!!
Love you
I love my little Green Machine!!!
Brenda in Canada
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