Mar 13, Friday: I hate it any more when I have to get up before just waking up when Lucy decides it's time to get up.....I wake up early even though I have the alarm set....was awake from 5:00 am on. Got up at 7:30 am and turned on the hot water and turned the furnance up a little. The whole time I was getting ready, it was pouring down rain.....Nolan even agreed to take the dogs out later cause it was raining so hard. By the time I got to Dortha's they had decided not to go....I was relieved! I wasn't crazy about getting in and out of a vehicle all day for shopping when I didn't really have money I needed to be spending. So, back at the trailer I was getting more comfortable and Joe knocked on the door and said some of them were still going, did I want to go....I was definitely out of the mood by that time and declined. We then decided to go get the stuff I needed for the "planned activity" today.....we enjoyed the Eggs in a Bag so much and some of the group had not been here so we had decided to have breakfast for dinner tonight. Walmart here we come.....we ate breakfast at the McDonald's there and then did our shopping. Back at the trailer I was knitting and Nolan was playing solitare and he said he wanted to go to this mexican restaurant that we had been driving by all the time for lunch.....good choice! Back at the trailer I wasn't going to be late again so I fried the sausage early and had everything ready to go just waiting for 4:30 pm.....we weren't supposed to eat til 5:30, everyone must be slowing down.....only Dortha and Mark were there and no one else showed up until around 5:20 pm.....eggs were wonderful again! Thanks Mark for cooking. There were lots of goodbyes or see you laters tonight. Joe and Sherri, Rodney and Becky, Lynette and Mac, and Don and Cheryl will be leaving in the morning......Sunday morning, John and Brenda, Arlene and Kevin and Rollie and Gina will be leaving. Monday, Mark and Dortha's gonna be lonesome and quite around here!!!!
Mar 12, Thursday: During chat last night, we all decided dinner out again was a good idea. This time we were going to go to Mr.Gatti's. I spent most of the morning worrying about taking Lucy to the vet again...the skin infection was getting much worse. Finally, Nolan said we might as well take her. He stopped at a feed place in town and they recommended the Ark Vet Hospital cause the vet raises Yorkies. So I got an appointment for 3:45. We were a little early which was good cause of course I needed to fill out a form. While I was doing that I asked Nolan to hold Lucy....well he couldn't just hold her, he let her down....there wasn't any other dogs or cats waiting at the time. Well, that was a mistake, as soon as he put her down, she did her business in the floor.....Nolan found a paper towel to clean it up, HOW EMBARASSING WAS THAT!!! This vet basically said the same thing that the last one said....she is alergic to Texas!!!! So, after a steriod shot, some pills for her to take, more stuff for her ears, new flea medication (seems that this vet also said that Revolution was better than Frontline), and some shampoo we got out of there for $160......I won't be doing much more shopping at Walmart for the rest of the month!!!! Lucy was definitely worn out by the time we got back in the truck and not happy!

Isn't she so cute!!!
This time I wasn't going to be late....we left 30 minutes before we were supposed to be there. We were second to get there.....we had a great time talking and laughing with everyone but the food was not so great! While we were there Dortha announced that some of the ladies were going shopping tomorrow and everyone that wanted could go along. I initially said no thanks....remember the vet bill....but when they said there was a Michaels, I decided I would go. That means getting up early cause they planned to leave at 9:00 am. Off to the trailer and bed we went!
Mar 11, Wednesday: Not much going on during the day.....except more rain and very, very cold (for us). Last night we had all decided to plan a dinner out at Mamacita's.....yeah, no more fixing stuff to take, not one of my favorite things to do!!!! Mamacita's has to be about one of the best mexican restaurants we have ever eaten at....of course we were late again...we were the last onces there and they all were having a very good time again...of course, this group can't get together without having fun! Tonight was more special because it was Brenda's birthday and they had a cake for her and of course everyone sang Happy Birthday! I of course didn't remember the camera again but the rest of the group has lots of good pictures.
Mar 10, Tuesday: Nolan had asked me yesterday if I wanted to go out for breakfast but I needed to take a shower really bad and by the time I would have gotten around he would have been very impatient so I said no. But, today it came up again and he wanted to go to Lowes so he can work on his walking stick that he got while we were in the Big Bend needs a good sanding....I found a Log House Plan book and we were out the door of Lowes in record time.....I love that store and really like to walk around and see what I can fix or need to fix....Nolan doesn't enjoy that so much! The Lowes visit was after a lousy breakfast at Cracker Barrell....everything on Nolan's plate was cold and didn't even look good....I had my usual, "pecan pancakes" and they were wonderful. We still had lots of the day left and no "planned activities" today so off we went to the Museum of Western Art.....a great museum with lots of wonderful pictures and statues....a few statues are below:
Mar 9, Monday: This morning I noticed that Bob and Molly had started to get ready to leave. Morning was mostly cloudy and misting rain.....Molly stopped by before they pulled out and said see you later and invited us to visit them in Boerne where they are attending another gathering. We'll miss them alot! We spent about 2 hours in the trailer without electric.....that made my cheese dip in the crock pot not get done in time....I finally went on down and Nolan brought it when the cheese had finally melted. We were late again....most everyone wants to get to these things early...not us, we're always late! Still a good time with great people! Most of my day was spent finishing up this sweather coat I knitted for Carla's dog Maddie....of course Lucy had to try it on to see how it looked....what do you think? Lucy's not crazy about it!

Mar 8, Sunday: Sunday is the day I like to wash the sheets and today I decided it was time to wash the quilt that I use for a bedspread. So we were off to find a laundry mat with the large capacity washers. We found one and Nolan wasn't very happy that it cost $6.50 to wash it. Boy did it sure need it though....much better! Another trip to the grocery aka Walmart for more stuff to fix to take to the all these planned activities. Tonight we're gathering for Happy Hour at Rollie and Ginas. Had a request for popcorn again so that was easy......microwave popcorn with Longaberger amaretto mix sprinkled on top.
Mar 7, Saturday: Planned activities for today was a pot luck at the Big Red Barn in the Social Room. Nolan cooked a pork tenderloin on the grill and I made a blueberry cheese cake....both turned out really, really good. A couple of pictures from the group get together:
Ellie taking pictures of everyone and having a good time!

John (JB), Rod, Arlene, Gordon with his back to the camera and Keith.....all having a good time!

Breand, Sandra, and Gordon waiting for someone to say "Let's Eat"!

Another fun event and way too much food.
Mar 6, Friday: Today's planned activities were 9:00 am Eggs in a Bag at the Social Room in the barn and then around 4:30 pm we are going to have baked potatoes and all the fixins. Wow, those eggs are sure good cooked that way. You put your eggs in a freezer bag with anything you might want mixed in it, i.e. ham, onions, bell pepers, bacom, cheese and there were more choices I just can't remember them all. You smash it all together in the bag and get the air out. Then drop the bag in a boiling pan of water and cook until the egs are not runny....they are really good. A great way to cook eggs! It was back to the trailer after that hoping the sun would come out....and it did....around 2:00 I went back to the pool to sun my back for a while since yesterday I didn't turn over like I should have. Nolan cooked the baked potatoes on the grill while I was at the pool. I came back just in time to get ready for the get together and off we went. Another great idea!