Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Years Eve
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Today, Monday, Sunday, and Saturday
Monday, the day to finally wash our trailer. We had plans to wash it since we were back in Missouri in the summer. One of those things that kept getting put off. We started about 9:30 or 10:00 and about 11:00 I made a trip to Walmart to see if I could find a scrubber with a handle on it. Found what we needed and made it back. When I left Nolan had been working on a mop with a sponge on it that kept coming apart. He had managed to get it to stay on and was finished with the front with all the bugs on, what a job! We both worked on the rest of the trailer until sometime around 3:00 or 4:00. Nolan decided that while he was working on it and still had the borrowed ladder, he would clean the outside of all the window so I went inside and changed the sheets on the bed and vacuumed the floors and cleaned up everything else. By the time it was bed time I was feeling a little stiff. Sure hope I'm not sore in the morning!!!
Sunday, Did I say we haven't been able to go a day without going into Walmart at least once each day! Well, that's about all we did today; it was a little cooler so we didn't spend much time outside.
Saturday, I said I wanted to drive to Port Aransas to see what was there. Started out down 35S and got to Aransas Pass and turned to go across the causeway. Got the the ferry and decided we didn't want to go across (now I wish we had and we plan to try it again sometime soon). Turned around and headed back to Rockport. I wanted to go see if the Rockport Beach was somewhere we could take the dogs to so we drove over there. This is the entrance to the Beach. You have to pay so we didn't enter.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Another Day in Texas
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas to all our friends!!!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Warmer and Craft Day
Stayed about an hour and a half then walked back to the trailer. Nolan had mentioned going back to Alice Faye's Bar this afternoon but while I was at the crafting one of the other ladies mentioned they were closed on Tuesdays and I then remembered seeing the sign. So, we decided to go to Wal Mart to get a prescription refilled and look for a grill. Walked around Wal Mart for an hour or so; found a grill and of course some other stuff. Left Wal Mart and started looking for a place to get a hamburger. Ended up at Popeye's for fish and chicken and by the time we got home to walk the dogs, you didn't need a jacket to be outside....Yeah, no rain and warmer!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Big Tree
That didn't take very long; it was fairly close to where we are parked. So, we drove down the Fulton Beach Road then decided to eat lunch at Alice Faye's on the beach front. Special today was meatload for $5.95. Was really good. They have live music on Friday and Saturday night. Maybe we'll see how that is while we are here.
Got back home and took a nap and then Nolan said lets go get some ice cream.....even if it's cold I'll not turn down ice cream. By the time we got home, it was raining but not very hard. I'm really ready for some good weather!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Cold and Windy
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Warm Weather and New Friends
Around 4:00 or later a couple came walking by and I knew it was Rod and Debbie Kendall whose blog I had read and had been talking to her on the RV-Dreams chat room. We talked for a few minutes and then they needed to go get some groceries. I'm sure we will spend some more time with them. They seem to be a very nice couple!
Oh yeah, can't forget to mention we made our ritual trip to find the Wal Mart and ate lunch at Chilis.
Nice warm day!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
We arrived at the Big D RV Resort around 1:00 and got set problems. Will have to wait a few days to give my final evaluation of this park but right now things seem to be really close. There's a lot of concrete and the neighbors are kind of noisey. There seems to be a lot to do here at the park so maybe we'll meet some new people.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Fog and Roast
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Alamo and Riverwalk, San Antonio, TX
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Laid Back Kind of Day
We drove back to the trailer and then a little later decided to go find some Mexican Food. Ate then back to the trailer for a lazy rest of the day. Tomorrow should be a fun day....we're going to the Alamo and the Riverwalk.
Monday, December 15, 2008
On the Move, Cold Weather
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Windy, No Moving Day
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Travelling and Stopping for the Night
Trailer park looking down the hill from our trailer.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Farewell to Missouri
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hard Decision
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Shopping, Early Christmas
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
We're Off
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Last Day of Work Again and Movie
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Laundry, Vet
We also took our cat with us hoping that maybe the vet had time to see her about the tumor she has on her stomach that has turned into an open wound that won't clear up. He did not so I made an appointment for Wednesday in Waynesville after I found out that the Wal Mart in Houston does not take my vision insurance and I would have to go to Waynesville for that also.
So today I started out at 9:15 for a day in Waynesville. Made a 10:00 nail appointment, took my sister to lunch at Cracker Barrell, took the cat to the vet, and got my eyes examined.
Left the cat at the vets so he could do surgery on the tumor and hopefully he won't find very much more cancer. He said he was pretty sure there would be more but since she was feeling OK, I decided to get rid of the ones he could see now and wait and see how she does in the coming months. She is 16 1/2 years old and will probably not be with us very much longer. But, as long as she is feeling good, guess we will do what we can for her. It's so sad to realize she may not be around much longer.
Looks like things are getting done so we can really start for Texas on Tuesday, December 9th. Yeah!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving, Cold, Texas
Thursday, 27 Nov......Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends!!!! I spent the morning getting ready to go to Nolan's brother's home to eat. Everyone was there and we had a good time catching up. Food was great! We have so much to be thankful for!!!!
Friday, 28 Nov.....Walts Convenience store called and wanted me to work for a couple of hours so I got around and went to Roby around 12:00. Mom came to spend the night before we have our Thanksgiving meal with my family on Saturday. My sister made homemade pizzas for dinner and they were really good.
Saturday, 29 Nov.....Another great meal with my family and some fun playing games. The girls also decorated the Christmas tree. I had forgotten how noisey little girls can be.....we had six between the ages of 9 and 2. They had a good time.
Sunday, 30 Nov.....Opened at the store today and woke up to snow.....way too cold....we're ready to head for Texas. Will probably leave around 9 or 10 Dec. I'm so excited!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Casino, Graceland, River Park, Dixie Gun Works Museum, Home
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Scenic Drive, Plantation Day, Travelling Home
Thursday and Friday we spent mostly just at the campsite. We did make a run to Wal Mart....can't stop anywhere and not go to the local Wal Mart.
Saturday we left the trailer for somewhere. I finally decided that I wanted to go to Gulfport. So off we went. Knew the hurricane had gone through there but it hadn't occurred to me that things wouldn't be back to normal. Mostly cleaned up but still lots of land for sale and lots of rebuilding to do. We didn't find a place to eat on the gulf during the drive back and we were almost back to New Orleans before we knew it. So we decided to drive back across the causeway, a 23 mile long bridge across the middle of Lake Pontchatrain. Nice drive!
Sunday and Monday were days spent at the RV park reading and walking.
Tuesday I talked Nolan into going to see a plantation. We started out and soon found out that it was a bit farther that we expected so we ate lunch at The Cabin Restaurant. Very nice and great food!
Wednesday we packed up and headed north......yes north not south! We're going back to our home town. The full time lifestyle is not for Nolan......he's been pretty unhappy. Our first stop was in Canton, MS, where we just stayed overnight. We drove about 200 miles and it was time to stop and this place was convenient; not someplace we would stay for very long (Movietown RV Park).
Today we drove another 200 miles to Tunica, MS. We're staying at the Hollywood Casino RV Park for at least 2 nights maybe 3. Nolan said he would go to Graceland in Memphis tomorrow so I'm excited. I'll have more pictures tomorrow!